Bandi comunitari:"Inviti a presentare proposte nel settore dei trasporti - Meccanismo per collegare l’Europa".

Meccanismo per collegare lEuropa 007


Scadranno il 19 gennaio 2022 gli Inviti a presentare proposte nel settore dei trasporti, resi pubblici nell'ambito del Meccanismo per collegare l’Europa che ha come obiettivo generale quello di sviluppare e modernizzare le reti transeuropee nei settori dei trasporti, dell'energia e digitale, nonché di agevolare la cooperazione transfrontaliera nell'ambito dell'energia rinnovabile, tenendo conto degli impegni di decarbonizzazione a lungo termine e ponendo l'accento sulle sinergie tra i settori.

Obiettivi specifici:

*Contribuire allo sviluppo di progetti di interesse comune per quanto riguarda reti e infrastrutture efficienti, interconnesse e multimodali per una mobilità intelligente, interoperabile, sostenibile, inclusiva, accessibile e sicura in conformità del regolamento (UE) n. 1315/2013; 

*Adeguare porzioni della TEN-T ai fini di un duplice uso dell’infrastruttura di trasporto per migliorare sia la mobilità civile che quella militare.

Identificativi Inviti:

CEF-T-2021-SUSTMOBGEN-MULTHUB-STUDIES – Multimodal passenger hubs – studies

CEF-T-2021-AFIFCOEN-WORKS-LNG – Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Facility - Works - LNG

CEF-T-2021-COMPCOEN-MARP-STUDIES – Maritime ports – studies

CEF-T-2021-COMPCOEN-RAIL-STUDIES – Rail – studies


CEF-T-2021-COMPGEN-MARP-WORKS – Maritime ports – works or mixed

CEF-T-2021-CORECOEN-IWWP-WORKS – Inland waterways and ports – works or mixed

CEF-T-2021-CORECOEN-MARP-WORKS – Maritime ports – works or mixed

CEF-T-2021-CORECOEN-ROADS-WORKS – Roads, rail-road terminals and multimodal logistic platforms - works or mixed

CEF-T-2021-COREGEN-RAIL-STUDIES – Rail – studies

CEF-T-2021-MILMOB-WORKS – Adaptation of the TEN-T to civilian-defence dual use - works or mixed

CEF-T-2021-SAFEMOBCOEN-RESILIENCE-STUDIES – Improving transport infrastructure resilience - studies

CEF-T-2021-SAFEMOBGEN-PARKINGS-WORKS – Safe and secure parking infrastructure - works

CEF-T-2021-SIMOBGEN-DATA-STUDIES – Smart applications for transport – data - studies

CEF-T-2021-SIMOBGEN-EMSWe-STUDIES – Smart applications for transport - EMSWe – studies

CEF-T-2021-SIMOBGEN-ITS-STUDIES – Smart applications for transport - ITS – studies

CEF-T-2021-SIMOBGEN-RIS-STUDIES – Smart applications for transport - RIS – studies

CEF-T-2021-SIMOBGEN-VTMIS-STUDIES – Smart applications for transport - VTMIS – studies

CEF-T-2021-SUSTMOBCOEN-MULTHUB-WORKS – Multimodal passenger hubs – works or mixed

CEF-T-2021-AFIFGEN-WORKS-LNG – Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Facility - Works - LNG

CEF-T-2021-AFIFGEN-WORKS-ZE – Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Facility - Works - Zero Emissions

CEF-T-2021-COMPCOEN-ROADS-STUDIES – Roads, rail-road terminals and multimodal logistics platforms - studies

CEF-T-2021-COMPGEN-IWWP-STUDIES – Inland waterways and ports – studies

CEF-T-2021-COMPGEN-RAIL-STUDIES – Rail – studies

CEF-T-2021-CORECOEN-MARP-STUDIES – Maritime ports – studies

CEF-T-2021-CORECOEN-ROADS-STUDIES – Roads, rail-road terminals and multimodal logistics platforms - Studies

CEF-T-2021-COREGEN-IWWP-STUDIES – Inland waterways and ports – studies

CEF-T-2021-COREGEN-RAIL-WORKS – Rail – works or mixed

CEF-T-2021-MILMOB-STUDIES – Adaptation of the TEN-T to civilian-defence dual use - studies

CEF-T-2021-SAFEMOBCOEN-RESILIENCE-WORKS – Improving transport infrastructure resilience - works or mixed

CEF-T-2021-SAFEMOBGEN-EXTBORDER-WORKS – Adapting the transport infrastructure for Union external border checks purposes - works or mixed

CEF-T-2021-SIMOBGEN-DATA-WORKS – Smart applications for transport – data - works or mixed

CEF-T-2021-SIMOBGEN-ERTMS-UNITS – Smart applications for transport - ERTMS – unit contribution

CEF-T-2021-SIMOBGEN-ITS-WORKS – Smart applications for transport - ITS – works or mixed

CEF-T-2021-SIMOBGEN-SESAR-DSDU-WORKS – Smart applications for transport- SESAR-DEMONSTRATORS U - works

CEF-T-2021-SIMOBGEN-eFTI-WORKS – Smart applications for transport - eFTI – works or mixed

CEF-T-2021-SUSTMOBGEN-MULTHUB-WORKS – Multimodal passenger hubs – works or mixed

CEF-T-2021-COMPCOEN-IWWP-WORKS – Inland waterways and ports – works or mixed

CEF-T-2021-COMPCOEN-RAIL-WORKS – Rail – works or mixed

CEF-T-2021-COMPGEN-IWWP-WORKS – Inland waterways and ports – works or mixed

CEF-T-2021-COMPGEN-ROADS-WORKS – Roads, rail-road terminals and multimodal logistic platforms - works or mixed

CEF-T-2021-CORECOEN-IWWP-STUDIES – Inland waterways and ports – studies

CEF-T-2021-CORECOEN-RAIL-WORKS – Rail – works or mixed

CEF-T-2021-COREGEN-MARP-STUDIES – Maritime ports – studies

CEF-T-2021-COREGEN-ROADS-STUDIES – Roads, rail-road terminals and multimodal logistics platforms – studies

CEF-T-2021-SAFEMOBCOEN-PARKINGS-WORKS – Safe and secure parking infrastructure - works

CEF-T-2021-SAFEMOBGEN-EXTBORDER-STUDIES – Adapting the transport infrastructure for Union external border checks purposes - studies

CEF-T-2021-SAFEMOBGEN-RESILIENCE-STUDIES – Improving transport infrastructure resilience - studies

CEF-T-2021-SIMOBCOEN-ERTMS-UNITS – Smart applications for transport - ERTMS – unit contribution

CEF-T-2021-SIMOBGEN-REMIB-STUDIES – Removing interoperability barriers– studies

CEF-T-2021-SIMOBGEN-REMIB-WORKS – Removing interoperability barriers- works or mixed

CEF-T-2021-SIMOBGEN-eFTI-STUDIES – Smart applications for transport - eFTI – studies

CEF-T-2021-SUSTMOBCOEN-MULTHUB-STUDIES – Multimodal passenger hubs – studies

CEF-T-2021-COMPCOEN-MARP-WORKS – Maritime ports – works or mixed

CEF-T-2021-AFIFCOEN-WORKS-ZE – Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Facility - Works - Zero Emissions

CEF-T-2021-COMPCOEN-ROADS-WORKS – Roads, rail-road terminals and multimodal logistic platforms - works or mixed

CEF-T-2021-COMPGEN-RAIL-WORKS – Rail – works or mixed

CEF-T-2021-COMPGEN-ROADS-STUDIES – Roads, rail-road terminals and multimodal logistics platforms - studies

CEF-T-2021-CORECOEN-RAIL-STUDIES – Rail – studies

CEF-T-2021-COREGEN-IWWP-WORKS – Inland waterways and ports – works or mixed

CEF-T-2021-COREGEN-MARP-WORKS – Maritime ports – works or mixed

CEF-T-2021-COREGEN-ROADS-WORKS – Roads, rail-road terminals and multimodal logistics platforms – works or mixed


CEF-T-2021-SAFEMOBCOEN-ROADSAFETY-WORKS – Road safety - works or mixed

CEF-T-2021-SAFEMOBGEN-RESILIENCE-WORKS – Improving transport infrastructure resilience - works or mixed

CEF-T-2021-SIMOBGEN-EMSWe-WORKS – Smart applications for transport - EMSWe – works or mixed

CEF-T-2021-SIMOBGEN-NEWTECH-STUDIES – New technologies and innovation – studies

CEF-T-2021-SIMOBGEN-NEWTECH-WORKS – New technologies and innovation - works or mixed

CEF-T-2021-SIMOBGEN-SESAR-DSDA-WORKS – Smart applications for transport- SESAR-DEMONSTRATORS A - works

CEF-T-2021-SIMOBGEN-VTMIS-WORKS – Smart applications for transport - VTMIS – works or mixed

CEF-T-2021-SUSTMOBGEN-MOS-WORKS – Motorways of the Sea – works or mixed

CEF-T-2021-AFIFCOEN-UNITS – Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Facility - Unit Contributions

CEF-T-2021-SUSTMOBGEN-MOS-STUDIES – Motorways of the Sea – studies

CEF-T-2021-SUSTMOBGEN-RFN-UNITS – Rail Freight Noise- Unit Contribution

CEF-T-2021-COMPCOEN-IWWP-STUDIES – Inland waterways and ports – studies

CEF-T-2021-AFIFGEN-UNITS – Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Facility - Unit Contributions


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