Il seguente bando “Industria 2020 nell’Economia Circolare”, è stato reso pubblico nell'ambito del pilastro “leadership industriale” del Programma Horizon 2020 per la Ricerca e l'Innovazione.
Lo stesso è composto da numerosi Inviti tematici, divisi per settore, con scadenze differenziate nel corso del biennio 2016-2017, di seguito riportati:
-FOF-04-2016:”Continuous adaptation of work environments with changing levels of automation in evolving production systems”;
-FOF-01-2016:”Novel hybrid approaches for additive and subtractive manufacturing machines”;
-FOF-03-2016:”Zero-defect strategies at system level for multi-stage manufacturing in production lines”;
-FOF-05-2016:”Support for the further development of Additive Manufacturing technologies in Europe”;
-FOF-11-2016:”Digital automation”;
-FOF-02-2016:”Machinery and robot systems in dynamic shop floor environments using novel embedded cognitive functions”;
-FOF-13-2016:”Photonics Laser-based production”;
-SPIRE-01-2016:”Systematic approaches for resource-efficient water management systems in process industries”;
-SPIRE-05-2016:”Potential use of carbon dioxide/carbon monoxide and non-conventional fossil natural resources in Europe as feedstock for the process industry”;
-SPIRE-03-2016:”Industrial technologies for the valorisation of European bio-resources into high added value process streams”;
-SPIRE-04-2016:”Industrial furnace design addressing energy efficiency in new and existing furnaces”;
-SPIRE-02-2016:”Plant-wide monitoring and control of data-intensive processes”;
-SPIRE-06-2016:”Business models for flexible and delocalised approaches for intensified processing”.
La cifra massima disponibile, per il seguente Invito, è pari a 202.000.000,00 di Euro.